Ascent Education Campus is Stalwart Committed Devoted Dedicated in Education.

Foster growth and success for every student by supporting their journey from early learning through high school completion and beyond. Provide welcoming, high quality learning and working environments. Enhance education through communication, engagement and partnerships.

Our Mission

We inspire student success through high quality learning opportunities, supported by meaningfully engaged student, parents, and teachers.

Our Vision

Transforming the learners of today into the leaders in the field of medical, Technologies & science of tomorrow.

Our Values

Supporting the Vision, Mission and Priorities are the School's core values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity.


Ascent School of Science fosters an environment of success for every member of the school. We are known for our outstanding academic result and are a powerhouse in academic realms. Staff provides exemplary instructional practice and prides themselves in identifying the unique qualities that allow each student to succeed. We value integrity, kindness, critical thinking and risk-taking in our students and believe that parents and community are the backbone of our school as their guidance and support are essential.

This school Agenda Book provides support for parents, students, and staff and helps each of us in planning our lives around school events and activities. It is a valuable tool for parents and student who want to learn more about specific policies and requirements and who wish to gain a deeper understanding of our program of studies. Finally, it allows students to record their achievement and organize for academic success.

The staff looks forward to working with you throughout the year as student embraces exciting learning experiences and new opportunities for growth.